The production of Martini compositions is completely in-house and tailored. Our artisan factory in Bovolone, in the Verona furniture area, is a center of excellence where highly experienced craftsmen combine their skills with the precision deriving from the most innovative technology. Men and women have passionately handed down to the new generations all the techniques that have characterized Italian and Veronese know-how for years.
In the laboratory shapes and proportions are tested to constantly propose new furnishing possibilities. Thanks to the internal laboratory, Martini offers endless opportunities for customization, from inlay to carving, from the most innovative shapes to the combination of different materials. Internal production allows constant control over the product, which is always pre-assembled raw, so as to accurately analyze every detail and make all the necessary improvements.
We keep track of every project and composition, thanks to a reference sample that we keep in our archive, a true synonym of guarantee.